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Chaos ensues when the Crystal Empire uncovers a Sombra era bioweapon in the form of a virus that turns healthy ponies into mindless, crystalised, zombies.

After taking a diplomatic trip to the Crystal Empire, newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle finds herself and those she loves thrown in the middle of the initial zombie infection. As quarantine measures fail, Twilight now finds herself desperately trying to rush back to Equestria as her diverse kingdom battles against the hordes of undead. 

From the bustling streets of Manehattan to the quiet streets of Ponyville, from the heart of Equestria in Canterlot to the far borders of the kingdom, and even from the underground caverns of the School of Friendship to the heights of Cloudsdale, every creature has a unique story to tell. 

Explore as the fall of Equestria unfolds through the perspectives of dozens of creatures as they fight to keep the magic of friendship alive against an enemy that Equestria has never faced before. 

Chapters (3)

Twilight is the coolest mare in the world. She's the coolest mare in any world really. Like cooler than a new book.

Today, she brings that coolness to a whole new world.

Artist is TJ pones

Chapters (1)

Her Majesty's Starship Philomena is a generational ship designed to save ponies from the devastation of Equus and ferry them to a new world. The trip will take 150 years: the first generation will carry on the memory of the old world, and the third will set hoof on the new world.

The second generation is ash and engine grease: those born in darkness and destined to die in darkness, who will never know the bounteous fruits of which the hydroponic gardens bear only echoes and promises. Twilight Sparkle is one such middle link, tasked with maintaining the hardware of the ship's onboard AI, Celestia.

an entry for thousand words iii (slice of life)
cover art is an edited screenshot from neon genesis evangelion. shoutouts ritsuko

Chapters (1)

On a visit home to Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash finds a futuristic library she's never seen before. The books within are fascinating, even if the fiction section is smaller than she'd like it to be. Not long after settling down with a good adventure novel, she's warned about closing hours, but she's not a nerd, and this is Cloudsdale anyway, so what do stupid rules like that matter?

a rejected candidate for thousand words iii (horror)
check out my actual horror entry, it was a beautiful day in ponyville

Chapters (1)

Being the Princess of Equestria is busy work. Luna would know. She raises the sun and moon everyday, looks over the dreams of her beloved subjects, and, well, runs Equestria. Now, in addition to all that, she must find herself a protégé, before her sister's banishment ends!

But, that isn't the problem. The problem, is that three particular fillies stand out for the role!

Who will she choose? Can these three fillies become friends? Who will become Equestria's future savior!?

I guess you'll have to read to find out~!

First story of the Trio-verse.
Cover Art commissioned by Cloureed. Thanks again~!
Also want to thank Izanagi for the help with editing!

Chapters (5)

After being banished for casting a malignant spell on ponies in a fit of madness, Cadence returns to Equestria. Haunted by her actions and eager to redeem herself, she decides that only by serving ponykind will she be able to regain her self-respect and the trust of her loved ones. In going to Canterlot to face Celestia, she finds Equestria in a state of prosperity... but its ruler is acting strangely.

Thanks go out to Pascoite for editing, and Inquisitor M for pre-reading.

Originally written for March 2017 Writeoff Rising From the Ashes.

I'd also like to thank those who offered feedback on the contest version. In no particular order: Novel-Idea, Kritten, Fenton, Posh, Rao the Red Sun, horizon, Cold in Gardez, CoffeeMinion, AndrewRogue

The cover is a drawing by Mi-eau, used with permission.

Chapters (1)

Everything was going well in Carrot Top's carrot patch. The carrots were growing in good health, and she tended to them earnestly. She was retired from her old painful life, and things were finally looking up for her. Then, without any reason in particular, everything started to go wrong.

Chaos erupts across the land. On her small farm at the outskirts of town, Carrot Top finds that her carrots are sick of being farmed. Granted life, they are out for her blood with a vengeance.

Little do those devils know, she used to do a whole lot more than farm carrots....

Chapters (1)

In the cold, lonely halls of Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia grapples with a millennium of regret and sorrow after the loss of her beloved sister, Luna. As Luna returns, freed from the darkness that once consumed her, Celestia faces her fears and seeks reconciliation. Together, under the tranquil night sky, the sisters confront their shared past and rekindle the bond that time and mistakes had strained.


This is my first ever story. I don't claim to be a good writer, nor do I claim that this story will be a good one, but If you choose to read this, please give me some feedback on how to improve. My target is to learn how to convey the relevant emotions through my writing.

I hope you enjoy

Chapters (1)

I am Spur. I'm a fourteen year old teenage filly who lives on the bayou with my Ma and Pa. Most of you know me because of my little sister.

My little sister was Cozy Glow. One of the most reviled villains in Equestrian history.

(A/N: This story is particularly dark, so I've been told. Read at your own risk.)
Contains series finale spoilers. Cover image credit.

EDIT: My first featured story, 10/16-10/18/2019! Hooray! :yay::pinkiehappy:
EDIT: Featured again, 10/29, 11/17/2019, 4/6/2020, 5/26, 8/18, etc! :twilightblush:

Some praise for My Sister, Cozy Glow:

I had just finished watching the finale, which killed my incentive to write, but upon reading this, I'm glad to say that it brought it back. Thank you for writing this, MicahDebrink. --IReadYouWrite

Man, there's so much emotional depth packed into each and every word. --Thought Prism

This fic is far outside my usual fare but I am still enjoying it immensely. --SockPuppet

Chapters (15)